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The VERA website has been updated to include a new Ride Review form. This form gives people attending the ride the opportunity to provide invaluable feedback to Ride Organisers on their ride. There are a number of questions about the ride and opportunity to provide your comments to assist the Ride Organisers. Please remember that the Ride Organisers put a lot of effort into putting on the rides so make your comments constructive and respectful. Include positive feedback, wherever possible, on aspects of the ride that you thought worked really well. It's always good to get compliments after putting heart and soul into organising these events.
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The State Management Committee have resurrected the Discount Ride Entry
Policy. This policy is about encouraging further attendance at endurance
rides by providing a discounted ride entry to one rider. At each VERA ride
one discounted ride entry voucher will be awarded, via a lucky draw, to any
competitors in the endurance rides. The draw is done by the Ride
Secretaries and entry into the draw is open to all riders regardless of a
successful outcome in the endurance ride. The prize is handed out at the
presentations. To be eligible for the discounted ride entry voucher the
rider must be in attendance at the presentations.
The voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of the ride at which it was
won. The winner of the draw can then present the voucher at a future ride
and be entitled to a discount of $25 off the ride entry fee.
Please see the attached document for further details on this initiative.
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For those people who don't have access to a scanner when filling out forms by paper, you can try one of the apps below.
It allows you to take photos of each page and then convert them to pdf documents you can simply attach to email and send, this solution is great great for membership forms and ride entries.
The android app works great, and seeing as the app is made by the same people im sure the apple version works the same too.
This allows for much better processing by ride organisers and anyone else who handles VERA forms.
Android -
Apple -
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The SMC are very pleased to announce that Sandra Feil has been selected as our new Membership Registrar. For those who have been around for a little while Sandra was Treasurer for the very successful Tonimbuk Tom Quilty event. Sandra and her daughter Caley have been involved in endurance for many years and Sandra’s granddaughter is going to make her endurance debut in the 5km event at Lancefield this coming weekend.
We had 4 high quality applications from members and would like to thank each of those applicants for their willingness to contribute and support our sport as well as our members by volunteering their time.
Sandra will go through a short training period to get up to speed with the requirements of the role and a further announcement will be made once she is ready to take on membership activities. Please continue to direct any questions or applications to Kerrie in the short term.
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The SMC would like to remind our Day Members of the incentive program we have available if you wish to convert to a membership rather than continuing to pay the Day Membership fee each ride. If a Day Member submits a Membership Application within 30 days of attending a ride and paying the day membership fee the new member will receive a $30 credit on the membership fee. Note that this is only applicable to new members and is not available to those with a previous VERA membership number. On the Membership Application form there is a checkbox which can be ticked if you wish to take advantage of this offer and then attach a copy of the vet card/log book as proof of attendance as a day member.
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