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The VERA SMC would like to congratulate Paul Nugent on passing his Chief Steward exam recently and attaining his provisional Chief Steward status. This is the first step towards becoming a fully fledged Chief Steward. Please pass on your congrats to Paul when you next see him at a ride and thank him for his ongoing support of our sport.
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After a lot of consideration and much discussion Matt and Shanna have decided to cancel the Murray River Ride. The uncertainty of whether there will be an extension to the lockdown on top of a very likely gradual lifting of restrictions and the risk of a large gathering, particularly in light of the irresponsible actions that led to the lockdown, makes it difficult to proceed with the event. The timeframes are too tight to finalise track marking and other preparations now that stay at home orders are in place.
The VERA SMC fully supports this decision and thanks the ROs for their responsible approach as well as the care and consideration for their local community.
Refunds will be organised in the next few days. Thank you for your understanding.
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The VERA SMC has been in touch with the Ride Organisers of the Mia Mia ride to see if the ride is able to continue after the recent storm damage that has affected parts of Victoria.
Ken and Jenny will be checking the track today to see whether it is accessible and safe to use. A decision will be made within the next day or so as to whether this ride can continue and will be posted here and on the website.
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The VERA SMC would like to advise people that the 2021 Half-Yearly Membership is available from 1 July 2021. This membership allows you the full benefits of full membership, including competing in endurance events and voting at the AGM, for the remainder of the year.
It represents great value at only $95, particularly with the 9 rides still on our calendar.
To join up please got to the VERA website and select Forms from the menu and then select Rider Forms. Or, click on the following link: Rider Forms (
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The VERA SMC has also approved a change of date and a slight modification to the rides for the Moyston ride. This ride will now be held on 9-11 July 2021. Ride distances will be 40km, 80km and 160km elevated.
Sioux Reid has advised that the 160km elevated event will commence at midnight Friday and will finish at midnight Saturday. The 80km and 40km rides will be timed appropraitely with the running of the 160km ride.
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