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The VERA SMC would like to invite any Ride Organisers who wish to run a ride in 2022 to complete the VERA Ride Application Form (which can be found under the Forms menu), pay the appropriate Ride Fees and send to our Ride Calendar Coordinator - Paul Nugent (contact details are on our VERA website). Applications will be considered at our next meeting, to be held on 23 October.
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The VERA SMC are very pleased to announce that the Eldorado Ride Organisers (Naomi McGaffin Brown, Tina Manousaki, Kristie Taprell and Kylie Berg) have put their hands up to take another stab at running the ride. The new date is 13 & 14 November 2021. Rides will be run on Sunday, 14 November. The rides will be 20, 40 and 80km.
It will be great to catch up with everyone and to support our wonderful Ride Organisers. Thank you very much team for trying to run a ride in this period of uncertainty.
Please note that this ride will only proceed if the current restrictions ease further and competitive community sport is allowed to re-commence.
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The VERA SMC would like to advise that the Emu Cup ROs have advised that they are unable to proceed with their ride. They have not been able to procure sufficient vets and the current uncertainty with Covid restrictions makes organising a ride very difficult. They are very disappointed to not be able to provide this event but are already talking about booking in a ride for next year.
The SMC would like to express its thanks to the Emu Cup organising committee for all their hard work in getting to this point and we are most appreciative of their efforts.
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It is with much sadness that VERA announces the passing of Henry Perry. Henry had been involved in endurance in Victoria for many years and was renowned as 'The man from Wombat Flat'. Our condolences to Vanessa and all of Henry's family.
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The Ride Organisers of the Del’s Waterloo Ride have advised that they are not able to proceed with the ride which was to be held on 4 & 5 September 2021. The VERA SMC would like to thank the ROs for their efforts and willingness to get this ride up and going and fully support their decision. The SMC acknowledge the difficulty in this decision and appreciate the early notice for members.
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