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It is with much regret that David and Trish Reeves wish to announce that the Dergholm ride is cancelled due to the ground conditions.
The grounds committee have conducted an inspection this morning and have determined that vehicular access is not possible at this point. They feel that there is insufficient time for the grounds to dry out before competitors start arriving.
Could all riders who have nominated please access AERA Online and cancel your nomination to allow refunds to be generated? This should be completed by 5 pm FRIDAY 28 OCTOBER.
for any queries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you.

The VERA SMC is calling for expressions of interest from members interested in applying for the position of Membership Registrar. A Position Description is attached that outlines the skills required and the responsibilities for this role.

The Expression of Interest should be submitted to the Acting VERA Secretary (Kerrie Gabb) via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 
Any questions in relation to this Expression of Interest or to the requirements of the role can be addressed to the Acting VERA Secretary (Kerrie Gabb) via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  or via mobile (0427 269 000). 
All submissions must be received by 7th October 2022. The SMC will review the received submissions as soon as possible after this date and notify the successful and unsuccessful applicants as well as members.

See Postition description here

The VERA SMC wishes to advise that the Secretary, Ellen Prestage, has stepped down from her role.

We wish her well in all future endeavours.

As a result of this resignation there is now a vacancy for the position of Secretary. If there is anyone who would like to nominate for the position please email our Acting Secretary, Kerrie Gabb on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Wednesday, 31 August, 2022.

To be eligible for this role you must be 18 years or over and entitled to vote at general meetings (ordinary member or Honorary Life Member).

It is with regret that we advise the members of VERA of the resignation of the following Committee Members

·         Linda Tanian as President

·         Ellen Prestage as Secretary

·         Lyn Taylor

·         Paul Bryson

On behalf of the SMC and all the members of VERA a very heartfelt thanks is extended to all for all their hard work and dedication to their roles. Being on a committee is a big job and time consuming, we hope all these members enjoy their new found time to do what is most important to them.

The VERA SMC has received an invitation to run an event in conjunction with a carriage driving club from Gippsland who are putting on a mini enduro event from the Alberton Recreation Reserve in 2023.

They are in the early planning stages and have reached out to see if there are any interested Ride Organisers who might like to come on board and run an endurance mini or micro marathon at the same time.

If anyone is interested could you please contact the VERA Secretary, Ellen Prestage and we will put you in touch with the event organisers.