Endurance News
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The AERA have finalised the application process for recognition of those horse and rider combinations who qualify for the Decade Team award. The rules for qualification for this award are:
- The award can only be provided to the same horse and rider combination and does not recognise a rider singly or a horse singly.
- The horse and rider must have successfully completed at least one endurance ride (80kms or more) for 10 years.
- These 10 years do not need to be consecutive years.
To apply for recognition as a Decade Team combination please visit the Decades Team page on the AERA website (www.aera.asn.au) and download the Application Form. Complete the Form and send it to the AERA Distance Registrar, Jo Bailey by 31 August 2021.
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At the last AERA meeting a rule change was proposed by QERA in relation to the age at which our juniors can ride unaccompanied. This rule change lifts the age by 2 years. This will mean that juniors must be accompanied by an adult (and cannot ride alone or with another junior) until they are 12 years of age. The age is taken as the junior’s age on the day or the ride.
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27 MAY 2021
As per this morning's Victorian Government update, the existing COVID-19 related Public Health Orders have changed, and a state-wide 7-day circuit breaker has been announced. Effective from 11.59pm tonight (Thursday 27 May) until 11.59pm Thursday 3 June, a circuit breaker will be implemented with only five reasons to leave your home:
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The VERA SMC would like to remind riders and trainers that the swabbing program will be conducted throughout the 2021 season. Swabbing may be done at any ride and over any distance (not just endurance rides) so please ensure that you all abide by the rules in regards to the use of prohibited substances.
It is suggested that you thoroughly read Section 5 of the AERA Rulebook (available on the AERA website) as this covers all aspects of equine anti-doping and control medication requirements.
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As we draw close to the first ride of the season at Dergholm the SMC would like to highlight to members that the greater majority of Victorian horses will be under the 13 month rule as a result of the shutdown of the sport last year. Rule 48.2 states:
If a horse of endurance status has not successfully completed one endurance ride in the preceding 13 month period, calculated retrospectively from the day of the ride to be entered, then that horse shall be deemed to have returned to novice horse status and must enter all rides pursuant to Clause 47 until the horse successfully completes one endurance ride.
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