For those who were wondering if they could make the trip to the ride in time to vet in on Friday night, I have spoken to Trish and the vet ring will be going til around 8pm on Friday night.
At a pinch, the odd horse may be able to be accommodated after this time if you make prior arrangements by contacting Trish.
Plenty of time to come after work if you can't wangle a day off 

A ride not to be missed as the tracks are terrific, no bitumen roads and plenty of new bushland for people to see.
Forecast is for a dry mild day -20 degrees - on Saturday, perfect for riding.
We need our nominations numbers so we can make the arrangements for the number of vets (for newer people, our rules require the ride organiser to have a particular ratio of vets to horses so they need to know in advance if an extra vet is needed or not.)
Please, please, please get your nominations in asap so these final arrangements can be made!