Hi all,
Lots has been happening behind the scenes and I am very happy to announce there have been 2 more rides added to the calendar.
Lancefield Endurance Ride 25/26th of May with distances on Saturday- 10,20km and Sunday 20,40,80km. I would like to take this opportunity
to thank Bek and Paul for putting on this ride again, not only are they ride organisers, they are both actively involved in vital roles within VERA
so please take the time to thank them both for everything they do for our sport!
The second ride is very exciting because it involves a NEW ride organiser! Thank you Candy! Candy will be running Goldern Gallop Rushworth Ride,
Distances 5,10,20,40,80km on the Sunday 25th of August. Thank you very much Candy for putting you hand up to run this ride.
We have Eaglehawk Extravaganza at Gelngarry coming up on 19th-21st of April so jump on to AERAspace and get those nominations in!!
If any one is having trouble entering or are new to endurance and are not sure how to enter or the process please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or facebook messenger and I will do my best to help you out.
Don't forget we have GERZ Toongabbie in early May (11th/12th) so keep those horses in work and when nominations open please enter as soon as you can to help out the ride organisers!
Again thank you to ALL of our ride organisers we really do appreciate the effort that you go to, to keep our sport running!
Watch this space for more rides! Any one who is thinking of running a ride this year or next year please reach out, the sooner the better!
In other news apologies, there have been many delays with getting these rides uploaded due to my lack of technology education however we are up and running, thanks to all
of those who have helped out!
Happy riding!
Cheers Nic