47.1 A novice horse which has not been issued with a novice horse logbook may only enter introductory, intermediate or micro-marathon rides. A novice horse entering an endurance ride or mini-marathon ride must have and utilise its novice horse logbook.
47.2 A novice horse shall not enter an endurance ride where the total distance of the ride is longer than 120 km. (Even if the ride is an elevated ride above this distance, you cannot enter)
47.3 A novice horse may only enter:
a) one ride on any particular day
b) a maximum of 2 endurance or mini-marathon rides in any 22-day period
c) a maximum of 4 endurance or mini-marathon rides in any 90-day period The time period(s) are calculated retrospectively from the day of the ride to be entered.
47.4 A novice horse is subject to a minimum riding time as defined in Table 2 for each individual leg of every ride. The minimum riding time is determined by the chief steward in consultation with the RIC and the head veterinarian.
a) For both the Standard ride control is used, the minimum riding time permitted for every individual leg cannot be less than the resultant calculation of dividing the distance of the leg by 14 km/hr.
b) When the VGIH ride control is used, the minimum riding time permitted for every individual leg cannot be less than the resultant calculation of dividing the distance of the leg by 14 km/hr. For the sole purpose of calculating the minimum riding time pursuant to this clause, the riding time will be deemed to cease when the horse is timed in off the course.