The Premier has very recently announced the easing of restrictions in accordance with a number of checkpoints in terms of vaccination rates. Attached is the road map for regional areas and, in another post, the road map for metro will be included.
What these road maps show is that until we reach the checkpoint of 80% fully vaccinated in the population from 12 years and above community sport in a competitive environment will not be permitted. It is estimated to be 5 November before we get to that 80% point in Victoria.
What this means for our sport is that until we reach that 80% we cannot run competitive events in our sport.
The VERA SMC is currently speaking with our ROs to confirm what they want to do with their ride dates. The ROs for the VERA State Championships have advised that they will not be proceeding in 2021 unfortunately as a result of the restrictions.
Once we have hit that magical 80% we will be able to run events again (dependent on any change in the listed requirements). Members should note that, according to the Government restrictions, community sports will only be open to fully vaccinated people.
This is very disappointing for all of us and we really thank our ROs for hanging in there and trying to keep their events running. Please stay safe and take care of yourselves.