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Following the running of the Quilty Test event/VERA State Championships the 2023 Tom Quilty Committee have reviewed the outcomes from the event. It has become very apparent to us that we do not have enough people involved in the preparation for the 2023 Tom Quilty ride for it to be a successful event, one that meets the standards required by AERA and an event that all VERA members can be proud of. The current committee is keen to continue to organise the event, but we desperately need some help.

If you are good at organising or even good at being directed, can spare some time on a monthly basis to attend online (and the occasional face to face) meetings, help out at working bees or could be involved in the myriad of tasks during the Quilty week the Quilty Committee would love to hear from you by 16/10/2022. If you have family or friends that you could bring along, they would also be very welcome. Please contact Kadence Bodard on admin @ 2023tomquilty.com (no spaces).

If the Quilty Committee cannot get the necessary level of additional assistance from this call for help we will be very reluctantly withdrawing the event and notifying VERA and AERA that we cannot produce the Quilty event to the required standard.

If you would like to understand what is required in more detail, please contact one of the following Committee members:

·        Simon Beard

·        Linda Tanian

·        Kerrie Gabb

·        Louise Mackey